Today, 49 years ago, Bangladesh won The Liberation War against Pakistan and began their years as an independent country. I feel like the history of Bangladesh isn’t spoken about often so if you’re interested, continue reading 👇🏼
In 1947, due to religious differences, there was a partition in India, creating India (a majority-Hindu country) and Pakistan (a majority-Muslim country). Pakistan was also split into West Pakistan (Now Pakistan) and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).
West Pakistan gradually began believing that East Pakistanis were culturally inferior and the inferior race. They wanted Urdu to be the official language although only 3% spoke it as opposed to the 56% who spoke Bengali.
Bangladesh began protesting for their freedom because they felt threatened by Pakistan’s policies.

Pakistan wanted to prevent the protests and on the 5th of March 1971, Pakistan began operational spotlight to squash Bengali nationalism.
Bangladesh gained their independence on 26th March 1971, much to Pakistan’s dislike.

On the very same night, Pakistan invaded Bangladesh in response to Bangladesh’s freedom.
Troops came into Bangladesh and Bengalis were brutally killed.

3 million Bengalis were killed.
And approximately 400,000 Bengali women were raped (they were called treasures of war because the Pakistanis did not believe they were Muslim though they were)
Today marks Bangladesh’s victory day. It’s a day to celebrate all the struggles our grand/parents faced.

Happy Victory Day Bangladesh!

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