1. This is too important to let pass by. Thread.

When I was young and stupid, I believed prostitution should be legalized. I'm libertarian at heart. "People can do what they want," I reasoned.

In the last 10 years, I've worked with a nonprofit that serves trafficked women.
2. Sex work is not what they want, 98% of the time.

There is almost always a pimp controlling the woman (or girl). There is almost always a history of childhood sexual abuse.

Sometimes, the girls are just flat out kidnapped. Sometimes, they're groomed into it.
3. The rise of "only fans" has just given pimps new avenues to make money. The handful of women who are not coerced into the industry do not justify the vast majority who are.

It's insane that someone like AOC could claim to oppose sexual assault and still say "sex work is work"
4. Let me bring this home for guys (straight guys).

Imagine if someone forced you to masturbate another man to the point where he ejaculated. Then you would be required to clean him off, caress him & encourage him to come see you again soon.

Does that sound like just "work"?
5. Do you think a 17 year old girl would feel any differently if she was made to pleasure a 48 year old maintenance worker?

And I haven't even mentioned sexual penetration. All of this is invasive & dehumanizing.

"Sex work" is not "work" in any humane sense.
6. It leaves life long emotional scars.

Through the nonprofit, I've spoken with "high dollar" call girls who were flown around the country to have sex with the wealthy & powerful, in nice hotels or private residences.

They were still being trafficked. They still wanted out.
7. AOC is advocating for rape, misery, life long severe trauma and child abuse. She doesn't realize it, but that is what she's doing.

The end.
ADDENDUM for those arguing that these bad things only occur because sex work is criminalized.


Trafficking still rampages in countries with legalized prostitution. Usually, the girls are imported from impoverished countries. It's not far from Season 2 of The Wire.

Worthy Co & Thistle Farms employ women who've escaped from trafficking. They make great products. You can be a hero just by...shopping.



Traffick911 rescue kids. Donate!

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