Kenneth Starr: testifying in personal capacity
Donald Palmer: Commissioner, EAC
Jamis Troupis: Trump attorney
Francis Ryan: Penn
@jbinnall Jesse Binnall: attorney
@C_C_Krebs Chris Krebs: Former Director, DHS Cybersecurity
@C_C_Krebs says that paper will allow officials to know if there were hacks to counting machines because the ballots are audited. @SenRonJohnson points out that these (robust) audits are not always done.
@C_C_Krebs says the election systems are not connected to the internet. @SenRonJohnson responds, "But the machines ARE connected to the internet. . . "
Krebs concedes that (scanners/tabulators) ARE sometimes connected via modems to the internet.
@TomCarperforDE points out that just because this election was definitive, the next elections may not be. "We have work to do to get America back on track..." Without clear results, it is difficult for Americans and Congress to work together to get things done. truth = democracy
@SenatorLankford says Congressional hearings for potential fraud were taken seriously in 2016. One result was paper ballots. The same people who pushed for paper ballots are now saying about potential fraud in this election to "move on". ERIC needs to be adopted in every state.
@SenatorHassan is asking Krebs about disinformation & if he or anyone at CISA was told to change content on website. He says no, not directly. He is debunking Hammer & Scorecard.
@SenJackyRosen says there was no fraud in Nevada. Asking Krebs if there was any fraud in any state? Krebs says no, but there were some attempts from emails originating from Iran posing as the Proud Boys.
Jesse Binnall says they were denied access to:
all machines except 1 in Nevada
inspection of paper ballots (paper backup)
denied meaningful discovery
Weren't allowed to use information that was found in their case. No forensic review. Lack of transparency
@C_C_Krebs is pushing back by saying that LAT & other tests are done, but some audits are not up to snuff.
@SenRonJohnson says these paper backups, tests, and audits are only useful if they are actually done. Legal system does not allow for transparency.
This is the crux of the problem, folks. Voluntary guidelines are just that... voluntary.
Was this election more secure than in the past? yes.
Is there a lot more work to be done? yes.
source code review
meaningful observation
robust audits
@SenRickScott believes that voter ID is required to ensure honest, secure elections. Ken Starr, Jesse Binnall & James Troupis are in agreement. James Troupis says that the courts are not addressing the issues & taking the Biden talking point to "just don't talk about it".
@senrobportman believes in states' rights to conduct their own elections. Asks Starr if it's time to start a commission to take the partisan poison out of the equation before the mid-term election. This commission would be charged with coming up with best practices.
@senrobportman asking Krebs about the Albert intrusion detection system - these look at suspicious network traffic. Krebs says even more advanced, real-time detection capabilities are needed.
@HawleyMO spoke with 30 reasonable constituents - they feel that the election may have been rigged. Hawley saying that it is hypocritical for the same news sources, experts & political party who talked for 4 years about election fraud are now saying to stop talking about it.
@HawleyMO Chain of custody issues need to be addressed with legislation (ballot harvesting in 26 states allowed). Safeguards are needed. Wants poll watchers present all times, signature verification, mandatory reporting requirements of vote counts, video on ballots at all times.
@SenatorSinema believes bi-partisan election officials in AZ are in agreement that the election was not fraudulent.

note: @JohnBrakey has worked for decades on election security & transparency - AZ elections are more secure because of @AUDIT_AZ
@SenGaryPeters election related targets by foreign actors were prevalent in lead-up to the 2020 election. Elect workers, MI SOS, & Krebs was threatened. @GabrielSterling asked to stop baseless claims & inspiring people to commit violent acts. Krebs & Peters deem these serious.
Donald Palmer has concerns about the treatment of poll watchers. Accuracy of the voter rolls is important to mitigate fraud. Need technology, resources & commitment to get this done. There are no standards/testing for electronic poll books.
Jesse Binnall says we cannot ignore voter fraud away. We cannot intimidate the issue away. Cannot stonewall it away. It is a gaslighting attempt on America. People must know their vote will count. It did happen & it is on all of us to fix it.
Francis Ryan says we are at a seminal moment; not vilify one another. We need to sit down and do these types of hearings, expose these concerns so the people can feel with confidence that their vote matters.
James Troupis says it was difficult for the President to find lawyers to take case because of Dems intimidation. One reason people are doubting the election is because the Dems are saying "don't hear the evidence, don't litigate, don't let the court rule on the substance."
Commissioner Palmer - we can always do better. Need more training, more funding, more education and more commitment are needed.
@SenRonJohnson is encouraging election experts, Edison research, etc. to send in comments & info to enter into the record for this hearing. Says we all want a safe & prosperous country where people participate in the democratic process and for every legitimate vote to count.
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