So, just want to clear up something I tweeted the other day about not being an intellectual. Iā€™m not one in the sense that is regarded as the typical model which ppl see as ā€œintellectual.ā€ Like, Marxists will deem Parenti or anarchists used to say Chomsky was.
So, I guess what Iā€™m saying is, I am like many of you. I just do my thing and absorbed a lot of information. I just refuse to articulate it with multi-syllable words, and thereā€™s a reason for that...actually 2 reasons for that. The first being, I donā€™t know many of them lol.
Second, I grew up in this project building
No one in that building talks that way, they donā€™t understand not only ā€œbig words,ā€ but just donā€™t do in depth analysis. That is thanks to the education system we went thru, which by coincidence I was talking about with another comrade with today.
We just talk plain, most of the time itā€™s loud (usually because I think we are never heard and want someone to hear what we got to say), or itā€™s just our general demeanor (which is cool, too. Fuck w/e classist ā€œimpolite bullshit you been told, thatā€™s just how we talk!
So, when I write, Iā€™m talking. Itā€™s coming from my head and going on screen. Iā€™m in projects mode and Iā€™m just being direct and honest. I donā€™t know no other way to do it. I ainā€™t going to lie, a lot of stuff is from things I learned but, that was self taught. So...
My intellectual ability as far as my capacity to reference scholars or even history is not *on point* like I said in the post ā€œmy history is not on point.ā€ I donā€™t look down on myself, Iā€™m kinda glad I can help others reach a higher level of thinking and not just accepting.
But, thereā€™s levels to this, I guess. You can see my post, right? And you are feeling it like
But go scroll down and youā€™ll see ppl on my followers list that are amazing spitters in the knowledge game. And thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying, I just break it down in simple ways, because many ppl arenā€™t brought up to listen to someone who doesnā€™t talk like they do, or...
Hasnā€™t suffered like they do. Iā€™m also saying Iā€™m really humbled by the ones (many of you who are my followers, some Iā€™m just following) that I donā€™t ever let it affect the balance in my life. Iā€™m not better than you, Iā€™m one of you. No one is better than anyone.
Thatā€™s competitive bullshit that needs to stop. I just enjoy yā€™all for who you are and how you accept me for that straight, direct, I ainā€™t here to fuck around, basic approach. So, thatā€™s what I was saying, Iā€™m appreciative of yā€™all. You keep me humble, in knowing that...
Iā€™m not some intellectual, Iā€™m someone who can help you. My way wonā€™t be good for some, some may like the classic modern lecture and method of explaining and I guess ā€œeducatingā€ others. Thatā€™s beautiful, just pls listen to them if that appeals to you. That just ainā€™t me lol šŸ˜Š
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