"The rise of the two-breadwinner home has created a sort of pass-the-baton situation in caregiving, where a majority of parents are spending their time working for wages and relying on someone else to raise their children and care for their aging parents." https://www.plough.com/en/topics/life/work/proteus-unbound
"Mastery isn't our default state of being. Mastery is a great accomplishment, achieved only temporarily and with tremendous help from other people.…

"Interdependence is not a flaw in the human condition; it's our great strength." https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/05/opinion/sunday/loneliness-weakness-america.html
Heroism, great art, profound human moments—sharing these things "can quiet you, cut you open and uncover an intimacy that extends far beyond the bounds of trait-based tribalisms." https://www.americanpurpose.com/articles/solitude-and-solidarity/
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