How coding changes your thinking: 🧵

1️⃣ Coding forces you to solve problems within the rigorous constraints of computing environments.

It drives you to cultivate logic based creativity. It engages many areas of the human brain.

2️⃣ Coding changes the way you focus.

It requires a flow state of total immersion.

Improving your ability to invoke this state translates well to other high-focus activities. Writing, for example.

3️⃣ Coding changes the way you prepare for life’s disruptions.

It forces you to think, “what could go wrong?” And then prepare for it.

4️⃣ Coding changes the way you think about systems.

A function of code scales to produce output from input. A software system contains thousands of functions.

This gives you a new paradigm for learning larger systems. E.g., businesses, economies, governments.

5️⃣ Coding changes the way you think empathically.

It’s communicating a technical solution to future humans.

You put yourself in their shoes and think of ways to clarify their understanding.

Apply this empathy to other forms of communication and you'll go far.

Those 👆 are some ways coding changes your thinking.

I challenge you to observe your thoughts and notice how coding has influenced them.

Have you noticed any ways coding has changed your thinking?
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