I've been talking a lot about dating, but here's a friendly reminder:

The purpose of dating is to (eventually) find a high-value partner that you can build a life with.
In the meantime, live your life.
Become a high-value woman because you want to become a better woman.
Not just to snag a man.
This is not a dating account.
This account is about living well.

Finding a partner is only a part of that.

It's not the whole thing.

Just like finding a partner shouldn't be your whole life.
When you focus on becoming a better person, everything else falls into place.
The people you meet are smarter, more ambitious, more grounded.

(Why? Because like attracts like.)
These "dusties" that you complain about will start to filter themselves out of your life.

Sure, a few brave ones will try. But, they know it's a lost cause.
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