This article...

Okay, I'm going in...
"She’s expected to remain speaker but has almost no room for error after a disastrous performance in the general election cost the caucus at least a dozen seats."

Apparently the Bernie Left continues to blame Nancy for the 12 Members who lost because of "Defund the Police"

"She can only afford to lose a handful of votes or else she’ll be short of the required 218, which would then throw the contest back to the caucus."

Liars. You don't need 218 to be Speaker. You need 50% + 1 of votes cast for a person. If Nancy is "short" McCarthy becomes Speaker
It's right here in black and white.

They are gaslighting us about their intentions. If The Squad & Co vote present, McCarthy becomes Speaker.
It doesn't "go back to the Caucus"

Nancy was elected Leader of the Democratic party. That's not going to change. If McCarthy is Speaker, Nancy is still Majority Leader.

She still decides for the Democrats who gets committee assignments, etc.

She just doesn't set the calendar.
"Ocasio-Cortez argued... the caucus’s current leaders spent years concentrating power without any “real grooming of a next generation of leadership.”

Liar. Hakeem Jeffries and Cheri Bustos would like a word, among many others.

They just aren't grooming AOC and SHE IS BITTER🤑
"Structural shifts of power in the House to concentrate power in party leadership of both parties, frankly, but in Dem Party leadership to such a degree that an individual member has far less power than they did 30, 40, 50 yrs ago.”

I challenge you to diagram this sentence.
"Pelosi has also indicated that this upcoming term could be her last, and the left isn’t really making a plan for that either,” AOC added. “So I do think that it’s something that we really need to think about.”

Too bad AOC will be gone. New York is eliminating her district.
“We are currently negotiating to get and work towards real material concessions for the left that can move things into place, to help build power for the next two years,” she said."

Liar. No one is negotiating with AOC. She's not even in the room.
Asked about President-elect Joe Biden bringing in hawkish members of the Obama administration, as well as officials from companies like Goldman Sachs and McKinsey, AOC said: “It’s horrible.”

Yes, it's HORRIBLE that Biden is hiring experts who know what they're doing. 🙄
“But I think what a lot of people fail to remember is that we now have a Biden administration that’s bringing back a lot of Obama appointees, but when Obama was making appointments, he was bringing back a lot of Clinton appointees.”

She says this like it's a bad thing.
And that's it.

The whole article is her ranting about the same bullshit she always rants about.

That no one will do things HER WAY.

Oh my god, she sucks. And I'm beyond tired of her apologists enabling this inanity and ignorance.
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