I am still genuinely shocked that people still defend the racist and Anti-semetic remarks of JP people as "not knowing any better" when they literally have a right wing politicians in power and right wing propaganda is constantly disseminated through JP media... like what
Like I am still just so disgusted about the time I opened up an old school lolita catalogue that gave multiple spreads to a Nazi re-enactor who wanted to share info about their hobby..........
Also I found an old EGL post about that same spread and WOW the comments are just filled with bad takes and more of the "I think that they just see it as a fun costume and not a serious depiction of Nazi values" EXCUSE ME DON'T PUT WORDS IN THEIR MOUTH???
I miss LJ in terms of how the platform operated, but I don't miss the majority of the ppl on EGL lmao -- it looks like the image they posted of the spread is broken, but just in case it is a me problem, there may be photos of nazi uniforms in this link: https://egl.livejournal.com/2934916.html 
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