I took this beautiful picture. It's the Greenbelt, about halfway out to Lucky Peak, looking towards Table Rock.

This is Boise. This is my home.
Here's a view towards that same direction from up on The Bench, a part of town that's literally built upon a plateau. Houses and trees exist beyond that railing, I think it's probably Surprise Valley or somewhere close.

Boise has many types of beauty.
Eckhart Bridge by Barber Park. You can often spot folks fly fishing in here. The curious can find that this bridge retains wood pilings, probably from when it was just an access road. This all used to be a ranch and mill.
The most beautiful thing about Boise, though, is the people. There are people here who stand up for right and wrong
The Boise River is snow melt captured at Lucky Peak and sent through town during the course of the summer. Seen here is the Boise Raft & Tube. Floating the river is Boise's biggest summer past time.
Not my work, but here's info on New York Canal, the thing that serves water to Boise, of course.
Boise's Table Rock is an iconic place to watch fireworks over the whole area. It's been vandalized and burnt down over the years. Struggling to preserve nature is one of our duties as well.
The sky above Boise is endless. You could fall up there forever.
Oh, I found the R&T logo. My wife says no tattoo of this. 🤬🥱
(Raft & Tube)
Speaking of... here's the Boise rafter POV. This is the bridge between the golf course on Warm Springs and the offices on Park Center. There are "Love is Everywhere" signs on this bridge currently. ❤️
Boise is also surrounded by some beautiful untouched country. The Owyhee Bird of Prey Conservation Area is one of those places.
Lucky Peak Beach (real name of this entrance unknown), seen here, is tucked into an armpit created by the dam and it's structure for bringing water down the hill. The sand is fake and there's goose shit everywhere. We all love it.
To the east of Boise, out past Lucky Peak, you'll hit Boise National Forest.
Boise has fighters for climate justice!
Boise is a good place to spend the holidays. 🎃
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