Our school is a school for children with special needs. We have 150+ pupils. Our school is broken down into 3 main areas Primary, Middle School (off campus, Shamrock Lodge) and the Senior end (LLs). All of the Middle School, 41 pupils and 10 staff are restricting their movements
In the Senior end (LLs) 7 restricting their movements, including all of management team, 6 pupils restricting movements. Leaving 3 available staff to cover 5 classes. Primary school, 1 teacher & 1 SNA restricting movements, 7 pupils restricting movements.
Leaving 5 teachers and 10 available SNAs, at present, to cover 6 classes. Now 60% of our children are vulnerable, health wise, they have underlying health conditions that would leave them susceptible to most illnesses never mind covid.
Our BOM took the decision and not lightly to close our school under Health & Safety but the Dept of Education have said we must open tomorrow. This is someone who is sitting working from home telling SNAs that we have to return to a situation that no-one else would be placed in.
I work up close and personal with all students in my classroom. I dont have the ability to social distance from my students. So why are the DES sending us in? Why are they risking the health of our students and our staff. It is obvious there is a cluster in the school.
Have just received email confirming another positive case in the school while writing this. This is now beyond dangerous. Is there anyone willing to stand up and help? @NormaFoleyTD1 @apike1 @forsa_union_ie @INTOnews @johnboyle_INTO are we to be another Clarmorris. Shame, shame.
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