I have some basic rules when it comes to music, including, leave no fan behind.

It is funny how the Gospel gives us not only life advice but the best music marketing advice... parable of the lost sheep :)

We will always leave the 99 to find the one who is lost :)
Another rule I’ve held dear my entire career spanning law& music: always negotiate philanthropy, literally the love of humanity, into every deal. Make sure your gains benefit those around you in some tangible way. Negotiate so you can invest in yourself and your community.
Yet another, make the best music you can afford to make. Many of us skimp on recording to spend on marketing. I actually think that’s misguided. When we make great music, that IS a key element of marketing & it has longevity, which is more impt than here today gone tomorrow.
It might take longer, but the long game is more important than addressing short term pain. It’s the difference between wasteful consumption versus genuine investment. I know others disagree but for me it’s a guiding principle that works and let’s me sleep when I can.
I think another important value for managers and execs... don’t rush the art, it rarely works out well and makes everyone, especially artists, uncomfortable.

Short term business pressure should not ever trump the needs of the artists.

It’s ok to let it simmer.
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