Yglesias was the first person to block me on Twitter dot com all those years ago

i sent him an email like, "pro life values are important to listen to, don't live in an echo chamber"

his response back was just, "no you got me wrong, I just don't like YOU" https://twitter.com/BrendanNyhan/status/1339209035787145216
anyway, this blog-y off hand, arbitrary list style is readable and quick and (remembering that I am sub literate) engaging and entertaining
Yglesias has found the perfect troll for Boot Edge Edge, that leftists think he's an age traitor and are jealous of how people actually just want a nilla wafer nothing of a politician
first things first, he's not young, he's 38 and the #1 thing propelling his campaign was hubris.

At least Obama thought a Senate seat was a good stepping stone rather than running consultant scheme racist red lining and eviction policies in Indiana
I'm sorry, not racist, colorblind classist policies that disproportionately fall on the black population of South Bend, EXCUSE ME
Yglesias is right that outside of enclaves, democrats have trouble running leftists because you can only give on so many issues and still retain a dem base. The socialism thing makes people nervous and you can't compromise on culture war stuff even though that's the obvious play
so what you're left with is culture war liberals, the soft corporate types that pretend it's just good HR policy to fire or fine evangelical christians, promote abortion etc who accept right wing economic centrism and attendant market stability first military policy
So it's a triangle

Foreign Policy Centrism
Market Centrism
Culture War Bullshit

Yglesias is saying actually to win you can't just flip the first two to more left and the third one probably to even more aggressive attacks
in my opinion if you want to flip the middle one to a public wealth policy or some kind of redistribution, you should also stop the culture war stuff and maybe accept that the US Military is the most humane it's ever been but of course needs some reforms re sexual assault
So that's my formula if you want to keep the center of gravity about the same or even slightly to the right of Mayo Pete but with more actual good done:

Foreign Policy Centrism -> no change
Market Centrism -> public wealth/dividend
Culture War Bullshit -> actual secularism
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