(Consider being silent before you make a "the left was too mean" joke)
In all seriousness I think that the left does kinda have a weird maliciousness problem, and I think it's a result of us all being super mad at the world and that is understandable, (1/4) https://twitter.com/merrickdeville/status/1339054331342024705
but it comes out our brains as being hate-filled gremlins.

Before you say "civility politics" I'm not talking about "being polite or civil." I'm just talking about being empathetic and not spewing hate for no good reason at anybody that differs from your beliefs (2/4)
Being absolute assholes to each other is super unproductive and if we want to come off as serious about our ideology and not just a bunch of reactionaries the (mostly online) left NEEDS to start being more patient, educational, and empathetic. (3/4)
And if you don't want to be, that's fine too! I can't control you. But I'm telling you right now that you're not going to accomplish much but spread your hate around like someone trying to dry up a puddle of water with a rag soaked in olive oil (4/4)
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