New from @SwanseabayNHS

Hospital deaths of people who tested positive for Coronavirus in hospital has tragically hit a new high.

26 COVID-19 positive people died in the area's hospitals just last weekend.

14 patients have died in Morriston Hospital over the last 48 hours.
The Health Board's Executive Medical Director, Dr Richard Evans, warned:

“This situation is extremely serious."

“Our hearts to go out to all the families who will be facing this Christmas, and the Christmases in the years to come, without their loved ones.
“Most patients who have died have been elderly, but we have unfortunately had patients die who have been in their 40s, 50s and 60s.
“There have been family tragedies, with several members of the same family becoming critically ill...That has meant members of the same family have died alongside each other, or have woken only to find their family members died several days or weeks before.”
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