Some 2020 social media revenue analytics:

Patreon - $9,200
YouTube - $7,900 (19 hours of content)
Twitch - $7,600 (213 hours streamed)
Sponsors - $2,000
Amazon - $900
Total - $27,600

Some tidbits:

1) For every hour of content created, you can assume 2 hours min of post


2) For every hour streamed, there's at least 30 min to 1 hour of prep and planning

3) Every Patreon member gets new courses free. Total revenue of free courses given out in 2020 was at least $12,000

4) Above does not assume costs of equipment, editing software, etc.


Patreon is at best a wash (I strongly believe it a loss), leaving $18,400 over 376.5 hours worked (213x1.5 + 19x3). Take out expenses and we're closer to $15,000 / 376.5 = ~$40/hr on 7 hrs/wk avg

Above doesn't consider time spent on brand marketing, which is a ton

When you factor in time spent on social media, responding to emails, responding to video comments, etc., you're closer to $20/hr

All in all, not a terrible gig. This is just one of those PSAs that your hacker content creators do this more for the love of teaching than $
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