Struggling to WFH? 🏡

The way we work hasn’t caught up with our new world.

We need to retrain our brains.

A thread 🧶👇
1/ The Problem

Our work is still governed by office culture.

Do 8 hours. Get your job done.

At home, it doesn’t work. Days seem longer, we struggle to focus, and we feel guilty.

Luckily, there’s a solution.
2/ Separate Time and Output

In the office we muddle time with output. 8 hours work = success.

So we fill 8 hours because we have to, regardless of what we actually work on.

This isn’t new, in fact Cyril Northcote Parkinson wrote about it in 1955.
3/ Parkinson’s Law

In an essay for The Economist, he explained that:

“Work expands to fill the time allotted.”

Put 4 hours aside for a task, you’ll do it in 4 hours, even if it can be done quicker.
4/ Retrain Your Brain

Which tasks do you expand to fill your day?

❌ Stop thinking “I’ll fill 8 hours [time] with X, Y & Z [output]”

✅ Start thinking “Today will be a good day if I finish X, Y & Z”
5/ How To Do It

✍🏻 Write down important tasks
⏱ Set time limits for each
🏁 When your list is done, so are you

Aim to do your work early in the day and swap pre-task procrastination for post-task downtime.
6/ “OK, I get the principle, but I can’t do that in practice.”

You can!

✅ Agree output with your boss
✅ Use the Pomodoro technique
✅ Check emails twice a day
✅ Keep your work quality high
7/ When you’re done, enjoy the benefits.

WFH > Office


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