Found out cuc let go of atleast 10 professors, specifically professors that support the LGBTQ+ community and or professors who they suspected were part of the community. I'm so digusted and sad, the new administration is insanely conservative and right leaning
They want to phase out psychology, sociology and other majors that essentially they deem don't go with their Lutheran mission, they're not telling current students about the faculty cuts to the extent that students will sign up for spring courses and their professors
Will be silently replaced with adjuncts. The psych department went from 5 professors to 2, it's just so backwards and sad. They basicslly want the school to become a safe space for conservative christians 🤮 don't ever tell me that the right is for "freedom of speech"
Despite cuc being a Lutheran school there is a LGBTQ+ community on their campus that is now loosing many of the professors that created spaces for them to feel safe and find community
They also targeted professors who they identified as feminists because they want a school that is basically white, Christian males and submissive females. Like when they hired their new president it literally said "MALES ONLY APPLY"
so far nobody from the theology department has been touched lol love that the theology professor I had that explained homosexuality using an analogy to a refrigerator is probably still there while so many professors that genuinely care about all cuc students were let go
He said that homosexuality was like if you bought a refrigerator and just threw away the user manual and then it broke and you tried to return it but you didn't use it right and that homosexuality is like if you didn't follow the user manual and then got mad when it doesn't work
The user manual being ya know the Bible, this was in an old testament class where we had to buy the professor's book for the class too. He seemed so proud of his explanation and I was in genuine disbelief bc it was so stupid
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