A lot of people dismissively mocking this tweet but it's worth pausing to recognize its Marxist roots.

This "thinking" traces back to Critical Theory, The Frankfurt School, Theodor Adorno & ultimately Antonio Gramsci. https://twitter.com/nberlat/status/1338586940157927427
The Frankfurt School employed a technique called Critical Theory – a social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as a whole.
The point of the theory is to criticize every traditional social institution – and to specifically avoid offering any alternatives – as a means to breaking down Western Culture.
Theodor Adorno wrote the influential book The Authoritarian Personality which argued that anyone who defended traditional culture was a Fascist.

Sound familiar?
Antonio Gramsci was a Marxist theorist and a founding member of the Communist Party of Italy who created the Theory of Cultural Hegemony. And Counter Hegemony.

Gramsci felt that in order to change society, the entire value systems of Societal Institutions must be overturned.
Change the way institutions work – change the family, church, school – change social norms and beliefs.

This would require the introduction of an entirely new set of values and beliefs – a new morality.

It would also be slow. Gramsci embraced gradualism.
Gramsci advocated evolution over revolution

He targeted several specific societal areas as a means to promote his quiet revolution.

One primary target was schools. Gramsci was opposed to the vocational schools springing up in Italy.

Another was the family.
Gramsci looked to the US and noted that a true Marxist “uprising of the workers” would never be successful there.

It would first require an undermining of culture, morality and norms.

Gramsci also felt it would require community organizers.
Gramsci’s ideas came to the US not through his own person – Gramsci died in confinement after being jailed by Mussolini – but through the Frankfurt School.

A simplistic take of a complex topic but it is Twitter.

Always worth seeing the history that lies behind these "hot takes"
Quick side note.

The phrase “A long march through the institutions” sums up Gramsci's approach, but was actually coined in 1967 by Rudi Dutschke, a German student leader, in reference to Gramsci’s philosophy of Cultural Hegemony - or Cultural Marxism.
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