1)After weeks of declining to do so, Mitch McConnell finally acknowledged reality on Tuesday, congratulating Joe Biden on his victory over Donald Trump. It was not an act of courage — McConnell had been silent for weeks as Trump and his allies undermined the integrity of the
2) US electoral system. The truth of the matter was that McConnell had little real choice. The Electoral College had affirmed Biden's win and Trump had failed to prove his deranged claims of voter conspiracy in court.
3) But immediately upon doing so, McConnell became the target of some in MAGA Media. Charlie Kirk raged on his podcast, "You typically don't use the term 'congratulations' when someone just stole a bank — stole money from a bank."
4) The Gateway Pundit accused him of "supporting election fraud" and questioned his wife's dealings with China. An OANN host said he would "regret revealing his own corruption in less than 30 days."
5) Sebastian Gorka said he had "cave[d] to the mob." Mark Levin bashed him and said it's "time for some fresh thinking and new blood."
On and on it went. McConnell, who had been celebrated throughout the Trump years for putting conservatives on the Supreme Court
6) and helping acquit Trump during impeachment, was suddenly the target of blistering attacks from some of the very right-wing media figures who had celebrated him when he did their bidding. And for what? As Anderson Cooper put it Tuesday,
7) for acknowledging Biden's win "after six weeks, dozens of court cases, two Supreme Court rejections, one fascist rally, four stabbings, countless threats against officials who are just doing their jobs, and more than $200 million in deceptive Trump fundraising."
8) The whole episode underscored — yet again — the true nature of the MAGA Media diehards. These pro-Trump personalities claim to be against groupthink and cancel culture, but are ready to cancel anyone who steps out of line, regardless of who they are.
9) Don't just look at the attacks McConnell has faced. Look at the wrath folks like Attorney General William Barr and Tucker Carlson faced in recent weeks for rejecting wild election conspiracy theories. And, more broadly,
10) look at how former GOP heroes like Jeff Sessions and John Bolton were treated by right-wing media when they had the nerve to diverge from Trump.
There is a small sliver of conservative media that remains which is genuinely interested in advancing conservative philosophy
11) and debating on the merits. But that small sliver is nothing compared to the rest of the right-wing apparatus that has pledged undying support to Trump. Dissent from Trump and they will aim to destroy.
12) The ironic feature of right-wing media is that at its core it often acts as an agent of the cancel culture that it professes to hate. The question now becomes: What do they do when Trump is gone?  @oliverdarcy
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