Culture war, by definition, describes an antagonistic and aggressive stance toward culture and people (namely, unbelievers).

How is it working out for us? Is it adorning and advancing the Gospel as intended?
When we take this fighting posture, I think it often encourages a doubling down. I saw this within my own tribe as I’ve attempted (fairly, I think) to critique hypocrisy in seemingly uncritical/unconditional support for President Trump. It escalated from “lesser of 2 evils” to...
“This is a moral obligation” to “You call yourself a pastor? Are you even a Christian?”

That’s among siblings in Christ. I will freely admit that I could be wrong in my critiques, but I’m not sure they were ever really heard or considered.

How then can we expect unbelievers...
to not act in at least the same manner in response to our “warring” against them in the public square? Are we actually encouraging the hardening of hearts and the doubling down on evil by our own approach and tactics? Is culture war a New Testament, Kingdom paradigm?
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