Why is the EU's farm policy, the CAP, so stuck in the past and hard to change?

Probably because powerful and vested interests are at play in shaping the #FutureofCAP

Here's a few reminders on why it’s time to #WithdrawTheCAP ⬇️ (a thread)
More than 3,600 scientists have said the CAP is a failure in terms of EU’s objectives on #ClimateAction and biodiversity as part of the #EUGreenDeal

“In fact, the proposed CAP is unlikely to meet even its own objectives” scientists said

#WithdrawTheCAP https://www.idiv.de/en/cap-scientists-statement.html
A study commissioned by the EU Parliament's own AGRI committee said:

"EU agriculture and food practices are not on the right track to meet the #EUGreenDeal" or #ClimateAction , environmental or health objectives

📊: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document.html?reference=IPOL_STU(2020)629214

Around 70% of EU farm subsidies are based on the amount of land farmed

The biggest farmers get the biggest payments

So 80% of that money goes to 20% of farmers

Over 30% of the money goes to just 2% of farmers

Most farms in the EU are small – ⅔ are less than 5 hectares – so they get little EU money

4.2 million of these mostly small farms went out of business between 2005–2016, and were absorbed by bigger farms

CAP doesn't work for small farmers

CAP helps the rich get richer

In Denmark, the country’s wealthiest businessmen collect millions of euro in EU farm subsidies year after year – protected by the agriculture minister

#WithdrawTheCAP https://ekstrabladet.dk/flash/dkkendte/rigmaend-paa-stoetten-helt-uforstaaeligt/8323860
A 2015 study for the EU Parliament concluded that the CAP has “paved the way for farmland grabbing as a new class of private landowners with significant capital and often powerful political ties can easily outmanoeuvre smaller farmers”


These “farmers' representatives” are for example defending the wealthy by lobbying against a maximum limits on subsidies that was proposed by the Commission, according to internal Commission notes


The EU Commission’s directorate general for agriculture also carefully follows the advice of these industries

An internal memo shows the Commission's agri boss trying to shoot down most environmental targets in the #EUFarm2Fork strategy


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