New on the website today: 21 previously unpublished letters written by Charles Dickens!  We put this batch together under the theme of letters connected to publishing. What does the latest update contain? (thread) #twitterstorians #Victorian #history
We've adjusted our period parameter because we've added our first letter pre-1837... exciting! Dickens, writing in 1836, is clearly frustrated as he addresses the unknown correspondent as 'Sir'. "I cannot send you back any copy now..."
In February 1837, Dickens writes to the actor John Pritt Harley. "Don't be frightened about the 'Loaf'. It shall be delivered in the course of a day or so...". The 'Loaf' is a parcel containing the manuscript of CD's one-act farce Is She His Wife?
We've published several letters to prospective contributors with rejections and acceptances. In the unsuccessful submissions column we have two letters to William John Bellew Archer, a Mr W. D. Eward, E. H. Malcolm, and Miss S. Rain...
... with better luck, we have Leigh Hunt: "The paper, to be thoroughly effective in Household Words, should not (saving for some very special reason) be longer than about five pages, or five and a half" ...
John Hollingshead has mixed success. "Poor Tom. A City Weed" is accepted by Dickens ( as is "Twenty Shillings in the Pound", a few weeks later, but another article is rejected:
Dickens is clearly fed up of writing rejection letters for Bentley's Miscellany in January 1838, and simply prints a list in the issue, published on the last day of the month (poor "Aliquis"):
We've published 3 new letters to Dickens's publishers Bradbury & Evans about Barnaby Rudge (, an article for Household Words ( and requesting copies of Pictures from Italy (
What did Dickens need "Fifteen copies in all" of David Copperfield for?
In September 1842, Dickens writes to the British Consul in Boston about income tax, copyright, and a forged letter circulating in the American press (we blame Walt Whitman):
We've also published a new letter to the illustrator George Cruikshank about The Pic Nic Papers (you read that correctly):
Believe it or not, these are just highlights! There are more letters in the new batch. Explore them on our website under 'Latest updates':  #twitterstorians #Dickens #amreading
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