Thread about policy capture, power and Rights.
As someone said.. "What is more likely, tbat a load of left leaning women have suddenly become Transphobic? Or that we are missing something?
Well, we are certainly missing something! 1/2
Enter the Arcus Foundation and The Pritzker Foundation..both big pharmaceutical companies. Both fund Trans advocate movements. Both make profits from Trans people. The former funds Stonewall.
The former ALSO gives funds to ACLU, AMNESTY, and other civil rights movements. 2/3
It is in their interests to fund civil liberties groups. When you rely on funding from someone it is difficult to speak out and act against them.
As we have seen in Canada where female rape shelters reliant on govt funding have to accept Transwomen ..or face closure. 3/4
Now enter The National Coalition for Men and the Men's Rights Movements. Groups which started mainly in US as a response to feminism. They felt threatened by it.
Some men joined as they had had bitter divorces, lost access to their children, lost money and felt cheated.4/5
These groups fight to stop women only events on the grounds they discriminate against men.
They have fought to defund women only rape shelters unless they accept men.
At least one spokesman said men should be able to use women's toilets.on the grounds that women use mens. 5/6
There are many many homophobic men..and countries. The fact that Iran forcibly Transitions gays should raise alarm bells. Once transitioned they have conformed. They are now "women". There are no gays, no transwomen.6/7
Now the Men's Rights Movements deliberately use language to dehumanise women.
Lets look at it and compare:
For "Terfs" substite "Foids" which is what the mens rights movement uses.
For "Womxn" substitute "W*men" " " " " " 7 /8
Lets look now at organisations, NGOs, po!ice, Civil servants, education.
When have we known the Police to go all out to support Gays, Gypsies, BAME people, disabled people, women?
The police dont have a good record when it comes to minority groups like gypsies + black people 8/9
Indeed they were found to be Institutionally Racist.
Their treatment or..non treatment of rape victims, domestic violence victims says a lot.
So do we believe the cops are suddenly interested in marginalised groups? 9/10
What about the Civil Service just now? Are they known for being "progressive lefties"?. Yet they got Training from Stonewall.
Have they and the police had training from BLM? 10/11
I have Trans friends on here. Many of them. And the one thing they say is this movement is not speaking for them. It is being done in their name, but is not for their benefit.11/12
What we *do see are "Trans Allies"..not Trans themselves. . shouting vociferously for "Rights" When you ask "What rights do you want?" You don't get an answer. Or rather one answer I saw was the right to marry. They could fight for that. 12/13
All tbe energy being spent on forcing women to give up single sex spaces, rape shelters etc.. Could be spent on fighting for specific Trans spaces. Ie instead of getting a "women's officer" job they could be fighting for a "trans officer" space.
But that is not the objective. Whether consciously or unconsciously many of these men are putting the rights of women, gays, and Trans people back to the 1900s. 14/15
Now lets move on to Education. Does anyone believe the Tory government are "progressive lefties"? Why then did their Education dept give £200,000+ to Stonewall?
Why are Stonewall in our schools? Are BLM in our schools? Any other group? 15/16
The erasure of the word Women was never sought by original, genuine transpeople. However, as we see, it suits Men's Rights Movements and companies that can now pretend to be "inclusive" while selling more goods. 16/17
Lets move to the class issue now, because much of the noise is coming from College Students, Academics, Universities. Why is that?
If you want to influence people, you are not going to go to poor housing schemes in Glasgow. 17/18
You are going to use the group that traditionally speaks out. An added bonus is that College and University students will probably end up in govt, in NGOs etc..
Wee Jimmy fae Govan is too busy trying to get a job and a house. 18/19
Remember at this point it is not Trans people being targetted to spread the is "Allies", people who think they are doing good, who think they are being progressive.
However, hiding in plain sight among the Allies are MRAs who.seize the chance to shut up women. We just need to look at TerfIsASlur to see this. Again think of "foids".20/21
Now we need to ask WHY are women being demonised and shut up?
We are a threat..A big threat because we are in the way of profit, we are making too much noise about puberty blockers etc. The stocks and shares of Lupron went right down after the Keira Bell case. 21/22
Big pharma, Corporations etc cant come out directly and say "Hey shut up girls, you are endangering our profits"..
That is where their well funded tools come in. That is their job.
Further down the ladder are the siren voices of those who want us to "be kind" + the others 22/23
Now we have to have compassion for Trans people, genuine Trans people and they have to have Rights..the same rights as the rest of us.
However Self ID is leading to a situation where apparently any man who says he is a woman becomes one. 23/24
This means, that eventually if we accept it, that women will be in a position of men being allowed to be in their every space. Even their bodily spaces as internal exams could then be carried out by a man, a fully intact male who has not transitioned. 24/25
This is in no way progressive! This is also dangerous. Many women will be made uncomfortable by this .ie women who have been raped.
The lack of empatby for these women was telling in the aftermath of the recent debate in Scotland when "sex" was chosen over "gender".25/26
To sum up. We are facing Policy Capture by a combination of big powerful vested interests + Men's Rights groups shutting out, banning women, banning books, banning Free speech as all constitute a threat to a very dangerous agenda. Riding on the backs of Trans people. 26/27
Women are not "fighting against Trans rights"..We are fighting against a huge Profit making machine that is endangering everyone. Time to recognise this and Stand against it!
I meant to add that ACLU (Arcus funded) has come out with "Sex Work is Work"Ignoring the fact that "sex work" includes trafficked women + kids+ street prostitutes who have no choice. MRAs agree with them + want to shut women up about this point.
Next stop... DWP saying that?
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