What do you reckon is the percentage of 🇿🇼local manufactured products on the shelves in our supermarkets??
Not enough yet, but our products definitely not doing too shabbily in the foods and detergents sections
One thing is growth of newer, smaller brands. Where we once had only Jik or Sta-Soft and Unilver chete chete (my generation lol), we now have your Spotless and other smaller brands occupying more shelf space
One area I’d love to see local manufacturers work on is branding. Underrated. Some caught on (shout out @GlytimeFoods ✊🏾). Some not so much. Some branding hasn’t changed since Voltron first formed the Blazing Sword and slew the Robeast. @ZimTradeAlerts been working on this tho 👌🏾
Looks like, in the Zim condiments/foods business, there’s two companies on some growth: eFoods (Mr Spice, run by the Sapa guys in Workington) and Mutare’s Mega Market (buying up quite a few businesses)
The big hurdle we need to sort out is growing the local raw materials to feed manufacturing. That’s one of the areas that NDS1 iya should be focusing on. We can’t revive the old industries. Best invest in new ones
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