In this part of Europe we didn't have a word for "gender", it was just sex. Like with our neighbours. Translating this ideology into my first language actually made no sense. Not just that, it sounded downright OFFENSIVE.
It's hard to explain why, I guess you're just going to have to trust me that with the way the syntax works in this language, and with the way the vocabulary works, it ends up sounding like madness. And the thing that worried me the most:
The right wing were winning landslide victories. Up until recently Hungary had been strongly socially democratic. Gyurcsany makes a fuck up of a speech, sending the entire left wing into the bin. That speech changed the course of Hungary. Supermajority for the opposition.
Anyway, I digress because it's important. If this mad rhetoric is being imported from the US, makes no sense in Hungarian, is being tied to LGB groups (who were actually not that bad off compared to their neighbours), there's going to be a HUGE backlash coming.
Fastforward to yesterday. The supermajority of Fidesz still remains, despite the latest sex scandals. So big, in fact, they can just change the constitution at a whim. Their majority is THAT big.
News breaks that gay couples will no longer be able to adopt.

How did they do it? They stipulate that a mother is a woman, the father is a man, and that children have the right to not have their sexual markers on their certificate fucked with.
Now remember. We don't have gendered pronouns in Hungarian, and we don't have a word even for gender (it's just sex), so there's none of the bullshit of conflating aspects of the two.
So Hungary, have essentially banned same sex adoption, by stating the obvious that women are women, and men are men. That only women give birth and can be mothers.

It's stating the obvious. It's using T rhetoric against LGB, and everyone is going
"it's just stating the obvious".

Which it is.

So I'd like to send a message to the mad Alphabet soupers in the Anglophone world.

You are doing your gay and lesbian sisters over here a massive disservice.
Your rhetoric is being used to win easy points to shit all over L, but particularly G people over in this part of the world.
Our governments are using your batshit theories against people it doesn't and shouldn't concern.

Please stop it.

/message ends
Oh, just as an addendum. I believe and always have believed that religion should be very much left out of any constitutions. I don't care if its' Abrahamic, new-age or otherwise.

If they left wants to start winning arguments they're gonna have to drop the metaphysical bullshit.

As a matter of urgency.

You are hurting people in places and cultures you didn't even know you could.
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