#Lovejihad is fake, a tool to spread hate against our Muslim brothers, a tool to control women and treat them like property, and a way to spread communal disharmony.

Our story starts in 1927, If I told you a mob was mobilised back in the day with the familiar disturbing narrative claiming forced conversion of a hindu girl back in the day, in muzzafarnagar, and made its way to her house to secure justice only to find she had always been muslim
You shouldn't be surprised, because this bogey is story designed to stir the passions of the religious and those who believe in justice, this may also appeal to those who want to be the saviour rushing to the rescue of innocent girls.
However the truth is far from it.
In 2007 Hindu Janajagruti Samiti posted this poster, without basis, without any data to back it, a poster that should have been nipped in the bud. It aimed to build a narrative and feed into say unpopular men with regards to seduction. It also gives the example of saif ali khan..
Ironic is calling a saif ali khans divorce with (a sikh, not hindu girl ) amrita singh jihad.
Yes jihad means struggle and yes divorce is a struggle, but as opposed to staying with someone you dont wish to be with i would imagine a smaller struggle, in contract with narendra modi
The hjs an extremist organisation would never dare speak about him abandoning his wife and hiding her away for decades.
This story is also ironic considering the child they are referring to, sara ali khan, who was initially not allowed to meet her father due to legal custody
However her father reconciled and was later allowed to help raise her, he helped her greatly in becoming a famous actress that she is today.
Coming back to our story, the bogey of love jihad. Hjs members who are prime accused in the gauri lankesh murder as well as well as the various branches of RSS, a popular terrorist organisation helped popularise this fake narrative of love jihad.
In 2009 they popularised this narrative by and what becomes important to mention is one case in particular the case of Hadiya and Shahin jahan. This case shows the attitudes of Indian parents, Indian men & even Indian judges, versus the free will and liberties of all adult women.
Akhila a girl who later converted and decided to call herself Hadiya, met a muslim boy and fell in love, her father opposed the union and conversion, he forbid her to pray to Allah, and following which she left her house. At the age of 24.
In a country where the legal age for girls to marry is 18 and have their own kids subsequently, this girls father didn't think she was fit to make her choices only because she chose a muslim, had he been a hindu the same father would have gladly married her off.

He filed a case.
The family claimed a case of kidnapping despite the repeated claims made by the daughter that she went with her own will, and brainwashing and forced marriage. Because at this point she has decided to marry shafin, another thorn in the side of a controlling family.
The NIA brought further shame to the country, after it called the marriage bogus and in a grand display of attempting to sound logical said "she will say she is not bieng coerced" that's called programming.

Well what then I might ask will a free girl say? One does wonder.
The kerala high courts opinion was further telling, when it went ahead and declared this girl who is fighting against everyone for the simple right to make her own choices "a girl aged 24 years is weak and vulnerable, capable of being exploited in many ways."
And I call it an opinion rather meakly considering it pronounced judgement that was designed to wreck havoc in her life, it annulled her perfectly legal marriage, and put an adult woman back in her parents custody, who went on to domestically abuse her into relenting.
How was it even possible to do this one might wonder, and this brings me to another interesting snippet of the law. A law labelled the "parens  patriae" translating to the parent of the nation.
Simply put- Parens patriae
Parens patriae is the power of the State to intervene against an abusive or negligent parent or guardian. The State acts as the parent of such an individual.
However there's a catch.
"The courts can invoke this role only in exceptional cases where the individual is either mentally incompetent, or underage, or has either no parent/legal guardian or has an abusive one."
The court has on multiple occasions & more often then not in the case of male judges, shown their sexist patriarchal attitude of treating women as property, attempting unfairly to treat strong willed women as either unstable or crazy simply 4 wanting control over their own lives.
What a radical idea it is to them, a woman in control of her life choices, her body and her own trajectory!
Now the supreme court in the case was the only saving grace, when it reinstated her marriage, and let her out of parental cutody/domestic abuse.
It declared it was unlawful to declare it void in the first place.
And today hadiya is a doctor, and has her own clinic too.
Another linked thread of mine of love jihad being fake, so its all easy for you to find in one place. https://twitter.com/JihadFake/status/1340277826046492672?s=19
Another thread of mine on the continous attacks on comedians, artists and intelligentsia in India by the current modi regime an essential part of enabling fascist ideology is silencing any other crowd pullers. https://twitter.com/JihadFake/status/1345291696095969280?s=19
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