10 Infamous Japanese cases and events. (Thread)

Beware that some of these events are disturbing and just a warning for those who doesn't want to see horrific stuff then just don't because it will be no filter on this thread.

RTs are appreciated let's get it on big fella.
10. The Kyoto Animation Arson Attack

One of the most dare I would say, depressing and saddest news ever to come out especially for the anime community.

Shinji Aoba committed arson burning the studio that had been a staple for 39 years. 36 people were dead off the burning.
9. Aum Shinrikyo

Shoko Asahara, was a cult leader and their goal was to create a nuclear war between US and Japan to eradicate and cleanse the earth. They would then sent Sarin attack to a Subway murdering 12 people for their movement. All of the cult members are now executed.
8. Assassination of Inejiro Asanuma

Stabbed with a samurai sword, the Socialist Imperial Pol. was caught on his own death by a youth on live Television when Inejiro was speaking. This would affect the election as the Liberal wing would lose the election.
7. Setagaya Family Murder

On new year's Eve at the year 2000 a family was found dead. Some arranged and some stabbed to death. The murderer would then live on the house for 10 hours and leave. 20 years later the mystery is still unsolved on who is the sinister murderer.
6. Unit 731

One of Japan's most feared laboratory. Back on Word War II, these scientist would amputate with no anesthesia, plague infect them, weapon test, freeze, raped and deprive to them to hunger and to death. Around 200,000 people died on this Experiment.
5. Monster With 21 Faces

This one is too much to be explained in a single tweet that it deserves its own thread but its whole premise is that a mysterious person or a group that took ransom of Glico's director for „1 Billion, lace their production with cyanide worth of $21 Mil.
Sent a container full of Hydrochloric Acid to its factory, and they or he would give out clues to the police to catch them. Somehow it would be worse to making Police self immolate themselves and until now the monster with 21 Faces is still unknown and still roams around.
4. Akihabara Massacre

Back on 2008 a mass stabbing spree happened on Akihabara where a man drove a truck into a crowd killing three people, grabbed his dagger and stabbed at least 12 people, killing 4 more and 8 injured. He was then caught by the police who pointed a gun.
The person behind the murder spree, Tomohiro Kato, lives a rough life, pressured by his parents to excel in education, his items were lost, bullied online and in real life which would lead to his attack.

"I'm lower than trash because at least trash gets recycled"
- Tomohiro Kato
3. The Otaku Murderer

Tsutomu Miyazaki, known as The Otaku Murderer or The Little Girl Murderer. Infamous serial killer who's a cannibal, rapist, and a necrophiliac. Known for his murder spree of 4 young girls from August 1988 to June 1989 in the most sick perverted way ever.
Raised with a deformed hand, he was hated and a rebel against his family. Obsessed with his fictional fantasy that he is disattached from reality.

He would lure 4 years olds and strip them and murder, rape their corpse and mutilate it. He would photograph the corpse and eat it.
2. The Kobe Cannibal

Issei Sagawa, known as the Japanese Cannibal, was famous for being a necrophiliac, cannibal, and a murderer. Somehow even after his murder, he was publicly loved returning to Japan and glorified although he can't get a job. Totally doesn't regret it either.
What made him infamous is the murder of Renée Hartvelt a Dutch student in France. He shot her back and had sex with her corpse. In an interview he would tell how some parts of her muscles are soft. Until now he's still walking free not in jail cause they wouldn't release the file
1. 44 Days In Hell

Junko Furuta, a Japanese Highschool girl was kidnapped by a Yakuza and faced through a lot of horrible atrocities for 44 days and never seen the day of light. She was gang raped by 100 men, starved, hung and used as a punching bag, barbells dropped to her
Stomach, eat cockroach and drink urine, inserted fireworks and light bulbs up to her rectum and anus, her vagina was used as cigarette ashtray, eye dropped with hot wax, tore her nipple with pliers and her dead body was cemented in a barrell with bottles up on her anus.
That is the end of the thread.

Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed it RTs are appreciated and follow for more threads and stuff (if this banged)

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