‼️Thread for $SHA‼️

@SafeHavenio is a sleeping giant🚀

There are few projects that have built a better ecosystem than @SafeHavenio. I might even take it a step futher & say #SafeHaven has more use-cases than some blockchains as a whole 🤔

What makes me come to this conclusion?
✅ONLY #DeFi solution to digital inheritance - @Inheriti_com
✅open-source platform for swift expansion of products - @fundrequest_io $FND #BSC
✅ #DeFi pooling platform for fundraising, charity drives and crowdfunding of non-IEO eligible projects - @bin_block $SHA $BNB #BSC
✅Development of Multi-Payment Protocol that allows multiple transactions with the click of one button, greatly reducing gas fees - #ThorPay ( #BinPay 🤔)
✅browser wallet extension for all VIP related tokens, I like to call it the @metamask_io of @vechainofficial 🥰 - #Comet
✅hardware capable of storing encrypted data, derived from fragmenting the password needed to gain access to said entities, such as @Inheriti_com plans or #ThorPay multi-sig transactions - @SafeKeyU2F #FIDO2
✅platform for managing non-related VIP assets - #MySafeWallet
✅Platform for users to register a Single-Sign-On ( #SSO) account, which will be utilized for accessing all #SafeHaven & #SafeTech platforms - #SafeID
✅Directory of legal entities for clients of @Inheriti_com to seek assistance while establishing decentralized inheritance- #TAN

Methods & Systems of #Cryptographic #PrivateKey Management for #Secure #Multiparty Storage & Transference of data.

Dive into our pending #patents within each jurisdiction-

US: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200162246A1/
Europe: https://patents.google.com/patent/EP3654578A1/
China: https://patents.google.com/patent/CN111199045A/
✅More than 77% of the available circulating $SHA is stored on node addresses, while less than 21% is stored on exchange’s hot/cold wallets.
✅ @SafeHavenio has many grants being awarded in the coming months, which will increase productivity & expansion of solutions provided. #BSC
✅There is no community better than @SafeHavenio, if you do not believe me, then go look at the teamwork being done between the #SHAman for entities and community driven projects, such as the #SHAmanCouncil and the #SHAmanVillage being established in @VulcanVerse.
You can follow @Nebula_Matrix.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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