So there are significant differences in the decline in the uk fishing industry and in my opinion England feels like it's been unable to absorb the effects of de commissioning the least.
60-70% of the uk industry is in Scotland so that's where the biggest ports are with the /1
Largest fleets in all sectors. However there is one significant difference that's helped us absorb the 10 years of de commissioning and quita slashing and days at sea reduction. As I explained in my tweet about the product organisations in England selling off quotas due to /2
Being financially squeezed.Really these guys had no choice in the end but in Scotland we have another industry which propped up fishing boats nearly facing bankruptcy and that's the oil industry.
In the 90s we were reduced to 10 days at sea a month and we need 20-25 to stay /3
Afloat and make no mistake it's no exaggeration to say if the oil companies had not stepped in wed be in a far worse state now and lost 90% of the working fleet.
Once a boat used up its 10 days fishing quota we could offer our services as a standby boat to the oil companies/4
This meant they would allocatd us a pipeline or a well head next to rig and for 2 weeks we would guard that on a 3 mile line dodging up and down in all weather. Every 3 hours youd put a security message out on the radio to warn fishing boats away from that area and the rest of /5
The time wed watch DVDs go rod fishing ,swimming,or if you were me cook good food for the crews.
The oil companies paid the crews £100 a day if 4 of you went or £80 a day if 5 and the boat got paid enough to pay the bank and cover expenses so helped keep 1000s of fishermen in /6
Work until the industry found a way to adjust yo what was going on.
Doing these oil jobs were scary because in bad weather you had no choice but to stay or not get paid and it's the closest I've ever came to sinking as we were forced to ride out a force 12 storm over 2 days /7
Our boat the provider from peterhead wasnt able to fish over a 9 usually and it was the scariest few days I've ever had at sea.
It was boring but easy but we did it to survive and in other parts of the uk they never had this option so that's why it feels like its hit worse imo.🙏
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