Stolen from Isa -
Why I should (or arguably shouldn't) be on the FutureSMP, a thread
I'd make Ani being my boyfriend into a plotline and be a creepy stalker fan (if Ani gives it the okay, obviously)
I'd be the most hated member and revel in it and that would make everyone else be viewed as better thereby boosting their confidence
I'd annoy people so Frost would find it funny (until I'm annoying him)
I'd be frienemies with Dakota and probably fight with her
I'd die. A lot. It'd be entertaining.
I'd start way too many projects and just leave half of builds everywhere
I have a cool idea for a "base" and a base and I'm not sure which I'd use (although I've also thought of a way to use both which may make it even more fun)
I'd probably do something dumb but entertaining, like try to steal all the lava in the nether with buckets, for literally one episode and then give up very quickly
I'd set up death traps for people
But also do random stuff to help people out
Also I'm a prank master
I'm really bad at talking so it'd probably be entertaining to see me stumble over my words a lot or talk on repeat and then you could embarrass me about it in the future
I am really all over the place so my episodes/streams would probably match and it'd be chaotic and (hopefully) fun
I'd spend way too much time on it (both on and off camera) until I burn myself out, take a week off, and then go back to spending way too much time on it
I will create an army of pets.
Whether or not they're actual pets or just friendly mobs (or tiny slimes).
Just thousands of them.
I'm a good (or at least decent) builder (depending what I'm building anyway) but not good enough to make the others feel bad
Creepers will blow up on me. A lot. And I will rage. And it'd be entertaining.
I will follow the server rules
But also be as on the edge of the rules as possible.
I'm Lawful Evil but when playing games I'm Chaotic Neutral so I'd probably plan out elaborate plans and then just do stupid stuff instead/in addition
I am The Future Conqueror if that says anything
I will give everyone on the server nicknames.

I insult myself a lot and I try to be creative with it.
I used up a whole thread so hopefully that says something?
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