"I'm not racist" is meaningless.

I grew up with extended family who *literally* identified themselves as "racist" and still didn't think they were racist. I'm 100% serious.

"I'm not a bigot, but I am a racist," is what they taught me to say.
In their minds, race and bloodlines obviously matter to God. They pointed to things like the 12 Tribes of Israel, the Abrahamic Covenant, Nephites vs. Lamanites, etc. Clearly, they thought, God cares about race. Each race has its own blessings & challenges and place in the story.
"To be a 'racist' simply means recognizing that —for whatever reason— God created the separate races. Some races are inherently better at certain things than other races," said my extended family.
"Now, that doesn't mean I'm a bigot. I treat everyone equally. I'm not prejudiced. It just means I wouldn't let my daughter date a n*****."

It's been a few years so maybe their views have changed, but the takeaway is this:

Even self-identified racists think they're not racist.
Literally no one thinks they're racist.

That's why one must be actively ANTI-racist, not just by correcting your own thoughts but by also pulling down institutions of inequality and making reparations for past generations.
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