many "why don't billionaires give away more money?" takes, and this bit about Bezos' ex-wife prompts me to consider another reason why not:

most people have no idea what to DO with billions

by contrast: Bezos, Musk, etc, prolly have trillions of dollars worth of project ideas!
Moreover, as I learned from going to several effective altruism summits, it's remarkably hard to give money away effectively! @Open_Phil​anthropy Project was founded because some billionaires were like "fuck wait there are not billions of dollars' worth of obviously-good bets 🧐"
Same applies to investing. @vgr has a great thread on this and on how there's no free lunch when it comes to good investing.

> To the extent some wealth creation opportunities need concentrated capital, the rich must think.
"wealth creation opportunities" is a description that absolutely applies to charities as well, not just to businesses, unless you take a naive approach and think that only financial profit is wealth. Real human well-being is wealth. A better world is wealth. Less CO₂ is wealth.
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