January 6, I will be watching the Republicans in the House who plan to try to overturn the Electoral College and when they fail, will completely support those Congressional districts succeeding from the union as they threaten.

Best of luck.
It’s tough starting a new country under any circumstance. Having Mo Brooks instead of Thomas Jefferson and a handful of proud boys instead of Washington’s Army will add to the challenge.
(This is a rant, not a spelling bee.)

Secede, succeed.
All the big talkers like Ted Cruz will likely down posture in their chairs when they yell “who’s with me?” Marco Rubio will be reciting enigmatic verses.
The tea party will be like “just joking. We kind of have to tax you” because all that’s left is a factory Trump promised to open but never did & the Museum of Creation which hasn’t been a big money maker (but is highly interesting if you’re in Northern Kentucky).
People want to know if I’m joking about supporting succession and I realize there’s no good tweet where some people aren’t saying “he’s not serious. Right?”
People ask for a sarcasm font. I say no don’t. It’s like telling a joke and first saying “I’m about to be sarcastic.” So what if some people don’t think I’m joking when I am or so when I’m not? It’s the middle of the night on Twitter. If you’re on, it’s up to you!
Interpret a tweet anyway that suits you. Read it both ways and whatever you like.

Otherwise we’re left with cretins who tweet in all caps because they haven’t created a subtle thing in their life, except maybe Tiffany, except turns out no. Not even her.
Anyway I love you guys for being up late on Twitter when I am or even in the morning re-reading Twitter hash with your coffee.

You probably all have serious business tomorrow and I hope you slay whatever dragon tries to get in your way.

I’ve been forced into saying it. For those who get this far— I have to eliminate the ambiguity given some valid concerns— nobody wants this district in Alabama to secede. I want it to have a MOC that supports the Constitution. I guess I should have just tweeted that.🙁
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