Grosse Pointe councilman Matt Seely lays out several scenarios available to President Trump to win re-election. If you need an ELI5 on how a Trump can win, this is it.


Alternate slates of Electors from 7 states has set the stage for January 6.

The First Scenario: A challenge to Electors in the January 6th Joint Session of Congress forces Congress to vote for the President, President Trump would win by a quorum of state delegations.

The Second Scenario: Disqualification of Biden/Harris by the Supreme Court if they are found to be complicit of election fraud or tampering with the vote; President Trump wins by default.

The Third Scenario: The President Wins the Electoral College outright via state-by-state litigation. Matt explains the current litigation in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The Fourth Scenario: The President Invokes the Insurrection Act to restore order in corrupted states by auditing the vote or ordering a new election. Seely explains the President’s 2018 Executive Order.

Matt Seely explains how the Insurrection Act would allow the military to seize voting machines and perform forensic audits.

Don’t be discouraged! It looks like the President will win in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, that brings him to 262 Electoral Votes. Pray for the President, pray for the President’s legal team...

Matt Seely explains that Texas, et. al, should refile their case with the Supreme Court with plaintiffs who have standing, which would be large groups of voters from the four states they had sued. SCOTUS dismissed the case on standing, not on the merits.
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