This Day in South African History~ 16 December:

1. First celebrated as ‘Dingane’s Day,’ when the Voortrekkers triumphed against Dingane’s army at the Battle of Blood River (Ncome) on 16 December 1838.
2. The idea to build a monument was first discussed on 16 December 1888, by Paul Kruger
3. On 16 December 1938 the cornerstone was laid for the Voortrekker Monument. In 1952 it became the ‘Day of the Covenant’.
4. On 16 December 1961, Umkhonto weSizwe was launched as an armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC). For Whites, particularly Afrikaners, the date symbolised ‘victory' over Blacks, for those opposed to racial discrimination; it became a rallying point for protests.
5. On 16 December 1995, it became known as the ‘Day of Reconciliation’. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) that investigated human rights abuses committed during Apartheid started its work in a ceremony on this day. Source: @sahistoryonline
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