India, with the world’s 2nd most #COVID19 cases, might find it difficult to accurately identify the impact of the #pandemic because of a lack of poverty data, says the #PRESS2020 report by @ContactPARIS21. Follow the thread to know how the #pandemic could impact data collection:
The last nationwide poverty estimate in India was as long back as 2011-12, making it difficult to get an accurate estimate of poverty in the country just before the #pandemic
Across the world, many national statistics organisations may see budget cuts as governments reallocate funds to address urgent needs created by #COVID19
Many countries have also diverted funding from their national censuses to mitigate #COVID19 emergencies. In 2020-21, nearly 150 countries had planned to conduct their censuses. But the budget cuts may reduce the scope of some census activities and delay others
In March 2020, @PIBHomeAffairs said that India’s census activities are to be postponed until further orders
Nearly 2 of 3 (63%) low and lower middle income countries need additional financial support for data and statistics to face the challenges posed by the #COVID19 pandemic, found an August 2020 report by the @UN & @WorldBank
While increased funding is required to address critical gaps in data, funding pools may shrink due to the #pandemic. External funding for developing countries may also see a dip due to the global economic slowdown and declining public revenue
India’s official data sources lack relevant disaggregated data on castes and gender and are not periodically updated. Our #datagaps series examines how incomplete or unrepresentative data can perpetuate, and even create newer forms of, inequity: 
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