#counterterrorism #thread

We live in a world where the most crucial aspects of our lives have become profoundly interconnected & indeed interdependent. And this reality makes international cooperation on security a strategic imperative.
Unfortunately, when it comes to terrorism & counterterrorism the marketability of one’s expertise mainly depends on one’s willingness to unquestionably embrace the official narrative.
In the West also across Middle East & Africa, the media & pundits have become relentless echo chambers of this master narrative.
So how has that master narrative made our world safer in the past two decades? Do we not have more terrorists today than when the global war on terrorism was launched & have not despots and corrupt rulers around the world conveniently joined the cause?
Is it not time to pose the question: Why is insecurity dealt with as though it exists in vacuum?
Considering the prominence of what I call the dis-strategic approach to fight Al Shabaab & all, I believe things are likely to get worse before they start getting better.
Globally, as well as regionally, when it comes to understanding the causes and effects of terrorism, most have surrendered their commonsense and capacity to think critically to their respective authorities who often subjectively frame their perceptions.
Frightened minds naturally lend their full trust to and seek protection from the authorities, even when these authorities have nothing more than a false sense of security to offer.
Cooperation must be based on good faith & willingness to explore data beyond the fear of discovering other issues that may challenge our preconceived realities.
When collaborating nations submissively get locked into a single story or an officially packaged master narrative that terrorists are only driven by religious extremism& that they are better dealt with when dead, one must take a quick scan through rear view mirror of history
Sustainable security will remain a pie in the sky as long the int'l community cont's its Amisom-focused stabilization initiative at the expense of rebuilding robust Somali military & security forces that are capable of keeping extremists at bay & securing Somalia’s borders.
And Somalia will not vanquish terror while Kenya & Ethiopia and others remain knee-deep in Somalia’s internal political affairs & continue to exert influence on various Somali “leaders” by fueling factional or clan-based politics.
You can follow @Abukar_Arman.
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