#AfricanLivesMatter My Leadership began to improve when I threw away best-selling books from America that suggested a success that was racially blind and gender-blind ...and yet recognised all other forms of "Otherization". I realized that I didn't want to succeed on those terms
#AfricanLivesMatter Equally , my consciousness flourished when I stopped airbrushed versions of African and black history in which our heroes&heroines were pre-selected & pre-edited on the other's version of civility,humanity& heroism .I started looking for the rebellious natives
#AfricanLivesMatter I started asking obvious questions like "When & why did Mandela stop being labelled a terrorist and suddenly became everyone's Tata?" . What did he do ? Who benefited most from it ? Who lost most and what did they lose? This quite separate from his heroism
#AfricanLivesMatter I also asked myself why & how Robert Mugabe got knighted by the British Queen ? Just a few years before he was labelled a 'terrorist?What did he do to achieve such a dramatic shift of fortune? Who benefited from whatever he did ? Who lost & what did the lose?
#AfricanLivesMatter Why did countries that claimed to be democracies conspire to overthrow Kwame Nkrumah or murder Thomas Sankara , Patrice Lumumba and Samora Machel ? What did they want ? What did they gain by it ? Have they stopped murdering, overthrowing & plunder by pretense?
#AfricanLivesMatter When -as an African intellectual,leader, artist, academic,scientist ,business person,or story teller are you celebrated for :-
1. Doing something that will transform the plight of Africans,or
2. For becoming an unwitting instrument of white supremacist ideas
#AfricanLivesMatter The easiest things amongst Elites that accumulate literacy and things is to do a fake class & racial migration. Run as far away as possible from your Blackness, your culture, people, their neighbourhoods, etc. Then you die & you're returned to village(home)
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