A few reasons why Bill Barr will not be missed:
He supports the Republican lawsuit to dismantle the ACA.
He stood by while our military was deployed to intimidate peaceful protesters.
He argued "there's no systemic racism in policing" on national TV.
He defended Trump’s cronies—even after Flynn pled guilty twice.

He let unmarked federal agents abduct Americans exercising their First Amendment rights in Portland.

He helped Trump sow doubt in our elections by spreading false claims about mail-in voting fraud.
He acted more like the president's lawyer than the people's lawyer—eroding our democracy, the rule of law and equal justice for all.
For all of these reasons and more, good riddance.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Though it’s clear Bill Barr will likely go down as one of the worst AGs in history, there's no telling what Donald Trump will try to get away with over the next few weeks. Until Inauguration Day, we must remain vigilant.
No one is above the law.
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