I’m trying to understand why individuals who (rightly) condemn Pornhub feel the need to make qualifying statements that they are “not anti-porn”. Why not? How much more evidence of violence, misogyny, racism and abuse do you need?
What is stopping you from acknowledging porn as the filmed abuse of women and children? That it naturalises male dominance and female subordination, and eroticises and incites acts of male violence against women, while depicting women as enjoying their abuse?
Pornography is sexual terrorism against women. It entrenches women’s inequality and subordinate status. It is brazenly racist and misogynistic. It sexualises men’s cruelty, humiliation and degradation of women – all for men’s sexual enjoyment.
Porn reinforces male sexual entitlement to the bodies of women. It socialises men and boys to see women as things that exist for their use, it teaches them sexual callousness and strips them of empathy – and women and girls are paying the price.
I am anti-porn because I am pro-women’s rights and full humanity. I don’t believe we can reform an industry premised on objectifying and commodifying the bodies and sexuality of women for men’s pleasure. What will it take for us to collectively reject this abuse of women?
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