Is ISIS Khawarij?
Supporters of Daesh (ISIS) defend the state of Baghdadi and denying them being khawarij and saying they only have slight mistakes I will show in this thread what was said about them from the book “qalu 'an dawalatul Baghdadi by people who saw them first hand and truly know them
The khawarij of Baghdadi are not our brothers, and they have the frenzies of stray dogs.” Abu Qatada advised the sympathizers of Daesh
He said: “Be careful from the fake piety that they have.Firstly try to debating them with knowledge and give naseeha and if
​they Reject it,
keep them away from you and avoid them like you avoid the enemies, and they are no different from them since they killed people after takfiring them and made their money and blood halal. Some of the people with “cold piety” still say they are out brothers no wallah they are
not, and you will see from them
worse than what happened in the future. Wallah, I wonder how a man who fears Allah and knows the ruling regarding killing Muslims and knows the dangers of takfiring mujahideen and making their women halal can sympathize with them
“The state lost most of its prominent scholars and advanced ilm seekers.” Shaykh Al-Maqdisi said “they lost most of their prominent scholars and ilm seekers by insisting on their mistakes and rejecting advise they stopped supporting them after refusing to fix a lot of their
aqeedah and manhaj issues that they advised them with; until these late ignorants like Abu khabab and ra'id al libi who led to them to falsehood and incited them on spilling blood”
“Some of the dawlah are bigger liars than the rafida and more slanderous than the jews.” Shaykh al Maqdisi said “sometimes I see that some of them are worse than the khawarij
because khawarij takfir for major sins, but they takfir people for their loyalties, and they takfir from
their desires and enmity mixed with ignorance. Also, khawarij are known for their honesty, but I interacted with some of them, and they were bigger liars than the rafida and more slanderous than the jews and they raised the sword against the best people of the ummah and they made
their fighting more crucial than fighting actual kuffar because they classify them as murtadeen and murtadeen are worse than the original kuffar And in a hadith : Whoever rebels against my Ummah, killing good and evil people alike, and does not try to avoid killing the
believers, and does not pay attention to those who are under a covenant, then he is not of me. Whoever fights for a cause that is not clear, advocating assabiyah (for the group) getting angry for the sake of his assabiyah and he is killed, then he has died a death of Jahiliyyah.”
And this spokesperson said: ( ask yourself what the ruling regarding someone who replaces
or causes the replacement of Allah's laws with man-made laws yes you takfir for that) there is no doubt that with these words he is fooling his followers that he knows are majority
Barbaric, ignorant people that would believe this call and claim . With this announcement he made them picture that anyone who fights them in any way wants to replace the rule of Allah with man-made laws? look how he by the this announcement put everyone who fights them in a
single takfiri basket even the ones who defend themselves,children and women or fights their ghulu and transgression and even the ones who want to establish sunni rule
without them; so those are all trying to remove Allahs laws and establish man-made laws according to this Maghli
with this announcement he put Jabhat an-Nusra and every group that intends to establish sharia in the same basket as the Nusayri regime,Rawafid,Americans,Coalition,PKK and other secular groups
What kind of faleshood and transgression is this? and if this isnt the way of khawarij
and their confidence in takfiring muslims than what is it? And then adnani came to this final dangerous conclusion with his saying : be careful if you fight the Islamic state you will fall into kufr with or without knowing) so look how he was freed from all shackles and said
this and gave to his followers from ghulat and barbarians the permission to spill the blood of everyone who opposed and fights them, and they get angry when you say they are on ghulu and the manhaj of khawarij !! And if this announcement doesn’t represent the manhaj of khawarij
then who are the Khawarij?

“The leaders and legislators of dawlah fit the description of khawarij” Al-Maqdisi said : the aware spectator when he sees how daesh fights the real kuffar outside of iraq and comapres it with how they fight jihad groups in many countries and how
they slander their women and split their ranks then he will have no doubt that the leadership of daesh and their big legislators fit the khawarij description (they kill the people of Islam and leave the people of idols)

Dr Muhaysini asked Shaykh Tarifi about those who call
Nusra and Ahrar murtadeen He said: “they’re khawarij” He then said “the most precise description of khawarij is takfiring the Muslims without a valid reason and making their blood halal and In the time of Ibn Abbas (RA) they used to fight the kuffar and establish the Hadd,
but he still called them khawarij.

Shaykh Tarifi said: by Allah that there is no God besides him I don't doubt them being khawarij for one second and the one who is killed by them gets a bigger reward than the ones killed by the regime
Shaykh Sulieman Al-Alwan said: it's not right for them to say give bayah or we’ll fight you because they don't have general bayah and from the conditions of general bayah is being elected by the people of ijtihad. Abu bakr wasn’t elected by any people of ijtihad and
Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is not the caliph of Muslims and is only a leader of a group and if he asks for bayah then fights anyone who refuses to give it then that is the way of bughat and Muhaysini asked Shaykh Alwan: is it permissible to remove the bayah from Daesh ?
He said “there is no need to remove it since its invalid they gathered the barbarism of khawarij, deception of rawafid and the lies of baathis and communists”

Abu Qatada said “And now they are preparing to enslave the women of mujahideen and only the wicked defends them, or
a jahil and our Lord loves excusing by his saying, “And Allah would not let a people stray after He has guided them until He makes clear to them what they should avoid.” Tawba 115 so whoever agrees with them in takfiring the opponent
and enslaving their women is wicked cursed
and astray they said: we don't takfir opponents but everyone who fights us in the sham is a murtad, they said we don't enslave the women of opponents, but every woman who stays with her opponent husband is a zaniyah The Rafida said: we don't hate the companions of Muhammad ﷺ
but Abu Bakr Umar and Uthman are not his companions

Abu Khalid As-Suri said: the prophet left some of the mushrikeen and recognized their good deeds and forbade fighting them and didn’t kill the munafiqeen so it wouldn’t be told that Muhammed killed his companions since it
gives Islam a bad image and forbids people from converting so how can you fight the Muslims and the mujahideen and torture the ones who help other organizations by this you went against the book of Allah and his messenger's sunnah. You are like the khawarij in their first
generation when they takfired Ali and muawiyah, and ibn abbas debated them and made a small number of them return to the jam' ah and when you don't dialogue with the Muslims before you start fighting them ,when you treat them in arrogance and betray promises and treaties and
use deception and reject judging by the shar'a in other courts beside yours. You call for the truth and ruling by the sharia and you
Arent its people. Point it at the kuffar, and don't be busy fighting the Muslims as the Khawarij did.
And wallah I came back to the hadiths of the prophet and the sayings of his companions and the scholars and found that the majority of khawarij characteristics that they mentioned suit you
Keep in mind that Abu Khalid said this very early before they became much worse and they assassinated him for this in 2014

Sincere advice to all stay away from Daesh they are liars and do nothing but cause problems for Muslims may Allah ﷻ humiliate them

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