♡things you can do to cheer up on dec 18th !!
Making one last thread on it since it’s very soon and I feel as this is the most important one ! This might not work for everyone but I hope it can help a few people out!
♡watch happy stuff of him !!
This one might not work for everyone but I feel like maybe seeing him smile and be happy might make some people smile and feel happy I know it does for me!
♡do stuff you enjoy !!
Stuff you like to do can give you a lot of happiness! Like doing hobbies you like! Maybe it’s drawing, dancing, writing whatever it is as long as it makes you happy it’s always a good thing to do!
♡write how you feel/a letter to him !!
Writing is always a good way to express your emotions. Obviously writing is not for everyone so if you don’t like writing you don’t have to write!
♡surround yourself with friends !!
This one might not apply to everyone since sadly not everyone have friends they can rely on. I’m sure if you do want to make friends people in the comments will! I’ll also be down to be friends just dm me!
♡sleep !!
If you feel tired you can always sleep. Sleeping is always good and a good way to make you feel good and energized!
That’s all I have hopefully one of these things can help you! Remember it is ok to feel sad about him but if someone is posting happy stuff about him I beg you not to make it sad. We all deserve to feel happy even on that day so please don’t go and make it +
+ sad for other people! As always remember to stay hydrated, eat healthy and take care of both your physical and mental health. Talk to someone if you need to as long as the other person is fine with you venting I wish you all happiness stay strong <3
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