My landlord is awesome. I told him about a little nest of sparrows in the roof and we chatted about when it would be a good time to evict them. We don’t want to kill any birds or trap them in the space.
Today a ‘maintenance chap’ popped around to discuss the ongoing sparrow issue. Tall ladders erected. David Attenborough like attention to detail of the sparrow’s lodging.
A lot of head nodding.
We’ve agreed the avian tenants can spend the summer but in autumn they will be evicted leaving enough time for them to find winter lodgings.
The maintenance guy is a local retired submarine engineer chap who is super duper into gardening, the environment, and all things awesome. He brought gifts of garden produce for me on the off chance I like veges. Well yes I do kind sir.
Bonus story! He was given 3 new but scratched freestanding bath tubs. The wholesaler had tried for a year to sell them & was going to dump them in landfill. Engineer chap took all 3.
2 he turned into raised herb gardens for his wife. I’ve seen the pictures. They look amazing!

The third bath he made into a special outdoor water play tub for the great nieces & nephews. As you can imagine, it’s been engineered to off the charts OSH stds!
There’s even a special frame around the tub with easy grip safety handles for the toddlers to hold onto while they splash their little feetsies!

He showed me a little video of one of kiddlettes playing. It was so freakin adorable.

I really love people. They’re awesome đŸ‘đŸ»
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