The Swiggy delivery person called me (very late as the order was delayed at the restaurant), and said he couldn’t find my house. I got irritated.
I saw on the tracker that he crossed our street and went to the wrong one (thanks to white topping the routes are a mess)!
I got irritated even more. I tried to call him to redirect, but his phone was switched off. I almost lost it. I was hungry and angry and was kicking myself for not cooking at home.
Then he finally found our house - I shouted from our floor to him below coz his phone was still off. He came and apologised abt the whole thing and asked if he could charge his phone. I saw he was having a bad day.
I asked him to come to our balcony where we have a plug point to charge his phone, but “please wear your mask”. Asked him if he’d like some tea while he waited for the phone to charge. He said he’d like some of water.
He waited 5-10mins and turned his phone on. This other order he was supposed to deliver got cancelled and his Swiggy account was suspended coz he couldn’t deliver or was unreachable. I felt bad for the guy. How we take for granted all the luxuries we have!
We can afford to WFH, stay connected, stay warm and dry while the delivery personnel have to be outside rain or cold or boiling hot. I know it’s a pandemic and most of us have been opting for “zero contact delivery”. And I completely get that. I do.
I felt bad about this guy is all. He was having a really bad day and it rubbed off on me I guess. Sorry about the rant. But whenever possible, be kind to people around. Be understanding of their situations. It’s ok. We are all trying to survive.
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