I just had a thought, and I think it's going to make a lot of sense to a good amount of people.

I'm going to write this in several messages.

In mid 2016, I remember reading NYT, or Atlantic, or one of the other innumerable leftist shit rags, and I ran across an article.
The article didn't mean much to me at the time, but as time went on, and more happened, it became relevant.

The article was written by a leftist, and the subject was the media's treatment of Trump, and why it was so overtly negative.

This particular "journalist" gave a reason.
This writer admitted that Trump's treatment by the media was certainly different than Democrat treatment, but went so far as to say that it was even worse than the way they normally treat Republican politicians/Presidents.
Her reason?

Because leaders in the GOP encouraged it. That's right, she said that normally they will get calls about treatment of Republican politicians from elites in the GOP.

They will be asked to either tone it down, or be more objective, or what have you.
But that with Trump, Elites within the GOP not only wouldn't ask for better treatment, but would go so far as to ask them to attack him even harder.

Well, after he was elected, and as time went on, that article would creep back in to my mind, and get me thinking.
Many many things and instances come to mind, but I'm going to focus on one that made no sense at the time.

That one, was Democrat's absolute insistence that Trump be impeached for a very minor infraction, if it was an infraction at all, with the Ukraine phone call.
well, with the news breaking yesterday that it wasn't the Democrats in Michigan who were keeping the Republican electors out, it was the Republicans.

My point, the elites and leaders within the Republican party have always wanted Trump gone.
Impeachment wasn't the Democrats.

It was because establishment Republicans needed a dog and pony show.

I'll elaborate.

D's and R's alike knew the voter fraud that would happen in large cities within key swing States, and did absolutely nothing.


They wanted Trump gone.
That's where the dog and pony show comes in.

They always knew they would get rid of Trump in the election.

So, they needed Democrats to impeach Trump, so that the Senate could save him, so that the R base would never suspect that it was R's who wanted him gone all along.
The absolutely horrendous treatment we've seen of President Trump, isn't just because Democrats have gone completely nuts, or because the MSM is worse than ever, it's because GOP elites, worked in tandem with Democrats and the MSM to make it all happen.
Trump wasn't just fighting Democrats and the MSM, he was fighting the elites within the GOP that wanted him gone so that they could get back to the normal DC business of the uniparty.

What happens next?

That remains to be seen.
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