Recently I've started using Scots in texts and calls wae pals, and seein them gradually feel mair comfy usin it in casual conversation actually maks me want tae greet wae joy. If we remove the stigma and fear ae bein judged fur spikin the leid, abdy might dae it mair. X
Scots baith young and auld need tae see that the words in their heid can be written doon, that it's no just acceptable, but NORMAL, and that english doesnae need tae be the default. Mak the world adapt fur you, dinnae hide yersel fur the world's comfort. X
Here sorry fur the rant but A'm just feelin pure passionate the night. The validation that A've goat fur ma words and ma poyums needs tae translate intae a broader cultural acceptance ae Scots. A'm here fur the leid, tae protect and uplift it ony way I can. X
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