Dear Mr de Pfeffel Johnson @BorisJohnson. If only you had stayed as an inadequate 'journalist' for a newspaper that hardly anyone reads. If you had just remained as a so-so jolly japer on HIGNFY. Instead you sought the most prestigious office in the land, an office ↘️2️⃣
↘️2️⃣ you have proven to be so monumentally unfit in which to serve. Far too many people confused your incompetence for charisma and your shabby untidiness for 'character'. You are so detached from reality it hurts, to you everything is inconsequential, everything a joke. ↘️3️⃣
↘️3️⃣ But from your acts and inactions, deeds and words there are far reaching consequences for the people of this country whom it is your duty to serve. You bring dishonour, ridicule and economic as well as personal pain to so many. Like the outgoing president of the United ↘️4️⃣
↘️4️⃣ States, the rest of the world can only look on in bewilderment and wonder at how this once significant country, punching so far above its weight, could have plunged itself into such an abyss of self harm. This is not a joke Mr Johnson, the harm you are doing to our ↘️5️⃣
↘️5️⃣ country will take decades to recover from, you have facilitated the rise of nasty, self serving politics and equally vile xenophobic bigotry as well as allowing baseless opinion to be published as Alt-Facts. You liken yourself to a wartime statesman, but in reality you ↘️6️⃣
↘️6️⃣ have brought about a deeply divided country, at war with itself. I only hope that justice will be served and you will pay for what you have done. History will judge you unkindly. And 'what a fucking idiot' will be how you are remembered. I suspect your paymasters will ↘️7️⃣
↘️7️⃣ soon tire of you and will cut you loose one you have served your purpose. Mr Johnson, you are a disgrace. If there is any atom of integrity left in you, you should stop being a cheeky chappie and start being the wartime statesman you think you are. Do it for your country.
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