Here are my take aways and things people have advised me in.

1. Don't limit yourself to just one platform, many people use IGG or KS exclusively. Don't limit yourself on the possibility of a sale.
2. Set a target day for the launch, get people hyped. Make a event of it.
3. Give back to your audience, the people that have followed you through this journey. Maybe a exclusive print for day 1 backers?
4. Plan your campaign out. What are you going to do during the dry period? How are you going to keep people from getting bored of your campaign?
5. How much will it cost to print? Get your printer set up now. Not after the campaign. Plan on how you are going to deliver your book.
Fulfilling your campaign is almost more important then running it.
6. Get a very good estimate on shipping costs. Don't skip on this part, you can bleed money very easy here.
7. With shipping get a good idea of international shipping.
8. How are you going to handle damaged/ lost goods. Plan your customer service end.
You can follow @nicholasmuelle7.
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