Nonono. There is *nothing* new in #DMA on digital mergers other than the obligation of #gatekeepers to inform. *Nothing* new on substantive assessment (unlike @CMAgovUK proposals). So *nothing* to prevent a new Facebook/Whatsapp or indeed #Google_Fitbit 1/
When asked about it at press conference, @vestager pivots quickly to importance of #interoperability. That’s key for rivals to compete but rest of us worry much more about #personal_data use in #health_tech. @EU_Competition why was so hard to see this deal is about #data 2/
...and there is #direct_harm to consumers from direct exploitation of their data by a discriminating, extracting monopolist. A large group of economists said it, privacy experts said it, consumer groups said it, civil liberties groups said it. Not enough? @1Br0wn @johnnyryan 3/
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